Thursday, October 25, 2012


I have a student teacher this semester.  She is doing a unit on pumpkins this week.  The students have had a TON of fun. 

I found this great video on youtube that explains how pumpkins grow.  The video was from Morton, Illinois: The Pumpkin Capital of the World.  Morton is not very far from us and the students found that very exciting! 


Here are some of the activities the students did with pumpkins this week. 
We got student copies of these fantastic magazines from our local farm bureau. The magazine is through the National Organization: Agriculture in the Classroom. It was full of a variety of pumpkin information.  Click here for your free copy! On the back of the magazine was a recipe for making Pumpkin Pie in a bag.  The students all got to help measure and mix the ingredients.  I had them try some plain pumkin from the can (Libby's: from the video!).  They thought it tastes like baby food and didn't much care for it.  They were pleasantly surprised how good the pumpkin pie in a bag was that we made. 
Yesterday, the students voted on how we should carve our pumpkin.  The students decided the jack-o-lantern should have circle eyes, a rectangle nose, and a scary mouth.  They really enjoyed helping scoop the seeds and guts out of the inside of the pumpkin. 
Earlier this week, the students decorated a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.  The jack-o-lanterns were lined up in the hall.  The students had to measure how many pumpkins tall they were!  It was also a great opportunity to talk about who was the tallest, shortest, how many more, and how many fewer. 
The students also did an activity that on the life cycle of the pumpkin.  It went well with the Libby Pumpkin Video. 
What cool units have you done?


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