Monday, October 22, 2012


Everyone knows Facebook is great for keeping in touch with friends and family, but I have a little secret to tell you.  Facebook is awesome for teachers and parents!  There are SO many facebook teacher pages!  I stumbled upon this realization one day, when I got sucked into "pinning" on Pinterest.  For those of you that don't know, going on Pinterest is like falling into a big, black, endless hole!  Once you start you can't stop.  You see something that looks interesting, so you click on it.  That click leads to a teacher's blog FULL of amazing ideas.  That blog mentions/links to another blog, so you click on it and find another awesome blog and the pattern continues endlessly.  While looking at all these blogs, I noticed that they all had buttons to follow their pins on Pinterest. Yes, please!  There was also a button to follow their blog on Facebook.  The majority of my newsfeed is now teacher blog updates and FREEBIES!  I highly encourage you to follow as many teacher blogs as you can on Facebook.  I have gotten some really creative, free, fun ideas and activities.

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