Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our 1st Podcasts!!!!


Podcasts Coming Soon....

I am currently working making podcasts of my students reading their Halloween writings.  What an interesting experience.  I have never done a podcast before, so I am learning alot!  The students think it's really cool to hear themselves read it back on my laptop.  Have you done podcasts before?  If so, what have you done podcasts of? If not, I highly encourage it.  All you need to do is download Audacity, the LAME mp3 converter, and Windows Media Player.  I think the hardest part might be uploading the files to the blog!  Check back soon to hear our first ever podcasts about Halloween!

Update:  I was correct in my thinking.  Getting the podcasts onto the actual blog was the hardest.  I ended up not using Windows Media Player.  I created a free account on and upload all the mp3 podcast files onto there.  Then I was able to click the link button at the top of the blog post and linked each podcast!